It's taken over our jackets, conquered our coats and dresses. In Fall 2010 we've even seen it on skirts, hats and handbags. It's a natural progression that now the fur trend has crept its way down to our feet, creating a new 2010 fashion trend: fur boots.
So put on your cutest ski-bunny mittens and buckle up your winter coat: it's a slippery ride but one that may well be worth it.

Fur boots: the trend
In 2010 and onwards, fur and fur lined boots are opportune for several entirely different looks. On the one hand, they're perfect for the cute-as-a-button ski bunny. But they can also be your key accessory as a picture of English country elegance. Finally, and so perfectly, a primitive, pelt-like pair of fur boots is the ultimate in winter boheme.
While mukluks were traditionally made of materials like seal skin, today's versions are more often the all-over hairy kind. These can be tricky. While they worked on the arctic themed runway of Chanel, in the real world you can wind up looking like a yeti. Worse, like you meandered out of the house in your slippers. If you can pull them off with the finesse of Chanel go for it, otherwise tread carefully.
How to wear fur boots
• Elegantly - in its most simple form, a pair of subtly fur-lined ankle boots work a treat against a pair of tights and a winter skirt or sophisticated pair of shorts.
• With a mish-mash of other winter fabrics: try leather, wool and country tweeds.
• For a cosy snow-cabin look, follow D&G's lead with Fair Isle knits.
• Prettied up against delicate flowing fabrics for a woodland-nymph effect. Try pastel or nude coloured silks paired, or even some underlayers of tulle.
• Bohemian. Look to Roberto Cavalli and Thakoon for inspiration for one of the strongest fur looks in 2010. Part primitive with rugged, natural furs and part 70s bohemian with eclectic layers and prints. Just add bedhair.
Real or faux
As with anything fur related, the choice is of course yours. There are plenty of faux fur options out there if real fur is not your preference.
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